Please note that you will need to complete a vet referral form and sign our Terms & Conditions before your first hydrotherapy session:

Referral Request Form
Terms & Conditions

Click to view and download

Please give us a call, or drop us an email, if you would like to make a booking or if you have any questions about the forms.



Initial Assessment & Introduction to the pool: £80.00

(45 minutes to one hour)

We realise it is a lot for your dog to take in on just one visit.   This is why we have developed this Introductory Session.  We like to try and take as much time as possible to assess your dog and get to know what they like or dislike so we can do our best for them.

After your in initial session we will discuss which programme will be best for your dog.

Hydrotherapist session:     £42.00

This session can include the use of the treadmill and/or the pool.

Maintenance session: £40.00

For those who wish to continue to maintain their dogs fitness.

For the fit and healthy dogs whose owners wish to continue swim their dogs and keep their fitness and well being.

All sessions are booked to allow 40 minutes to ensure safe change over.


Fitness/Confident  Introductory Session £38.00

New to The Dog Pool and wish to swim for fun?  Just book in our maintenance introductory session and we can advice you what is needed next.


See Terms and Conditions


The Professional Fit Fur Life Treadmill

  30 minute session £35.00

The professional model is a heavy duty machine designed for frequent use by Veterinary Practices, Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy Clinics, which is why The Dog Pool chose this model.  It is ideal for all breeds including St Bernards, Great Danes, Greyhounds, Deer Hounds and Irish Wolf Hounds.